The Magician – Meaning of the magician card

It is a card with a lot of meaning. The magician represents the capacity to bridge the world above and today's human world. This magician connects the four elements, which are earth, water, air, and fire.

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What Is the Magician Card and How Does It Work?

It is a card with a lot of meaning. The magician represents the capacity to bridge the world above and today’s human world. This magician connects the four elements, which are earth, water, air, and fire.

Upright Magician Tarot Card Meaning

Meaning of Upright Love

Upright Love has the following meanings: It denotes generating possibilities for love, and taking initiative in love. Success in love depends on your skills, originality, passion, and persistence.

Upright Career Meaning

The magician is the card of manifestation, and it tells you to take advantage of potentially lucrative chances by being resolute and driven and making quick judgments.

Upright Finances Meaning

It suggests that there may be more cash chances readily available at present and all you have to do is seek them aggressively. Also, you may get good outcomes through your creativity.

Reversed Magician Meaning:

The magician in reverse is an expert at deception. It might indicate that you need to make certain changes or that there is someone seeming to act in your best interests when actually doing the reverse. It might imply that you’ve gotten preoccupied with power, which could lead to poor, hasty judgments that lead to your doom.

Reversed Love Meaning
It can represent a romantic illusion as well as a lack of confidence, willpower, or ability to develop connections, which can lead to uncertainty when it comes to romance and love.

Reversed career meaning: 
It might symbolize lost potential, the absence of risk-taking on your part, and the possibility that your co-workers may not be wholly sincere or may have ulterior motives. So, trust your instincts & be cautious about how much information you disclose to them.

Reversed Finances Meaning: 
It entails that you are possibly wasting time or energy, or that you lack the motivation to turn your skills into money. When it comes to sharing, it advises being careful around others.

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