How does the High Priestess Tarot Card work?
Persephone, Artemis, Isis, and many more archetypes can be considered representations of the High Priestess. The card’s pillars represent the duality of nature, including positive and negative, good and evil. The High Priestess’ position in the middle of them implies that it is her duty to act as a bridge between the depths of reality. She serves as the connecting element, the third pillar.
Upright High Priestess Meaning
When the high priestess appears in a reading, it may be a message that you should pay more attention to your intuition than to your intellect and conscious mind. To get the answers you’re looking for, you must look within. You already own the solutions to your own questions.
Upright Love Meaning
It indicates subtle, unconscious shifts in emotional condition and urges you to be patient in your relationship, love, and intimate encounters. The High Priestess displays greater closeness and openness. Moreover, it demonstrates the need of being honest in order to build a solid foundation for your relationship.
Upright Career Meaning
The High Priestess may represent a time of study or advanced learning. You could be going back to school to be trained. It also denotes the arrival of a mentor or advisor who can help you advance professionally. The High Priestess advises that while choosing your passion and job path, you should follow your gut.
Upright Finances Meaning
It suggests This card advises concealing your financial position. Alternatively, if you’re given the chance to utilize your money, your instinct will let you know if it’s a wise decision or not.
Reversed High Priestess Meaning
You may be having difficulty listening to your instincts. It is time for you to meditate and attempt a different technique because the sensible approach will not work right now. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding you, and your actions may feel counter to what you know is correct.
Reversed Love Meaning
When it comes to love, intimacy, and romance, Reversed Love means you should always follow your instincts since problems might arise if you don’t. It also indicates that you should refrain from doing or speaking solely to please your partner because this will only lead to bitterness.
Reversed Career Meaning
Currently, you might not be fully informed about your workplace condition. This may make you feel isolated. Additionally, you don’t pay attention to your gut while choosing a job. It is also suggested that a kind demeanor may conceal danger.
Reversed Finances Meaning
The High Priestess reversed might indicate that you don’t exactly have all the facts you need to make a wise, informed choice. Make sure you have a reliable source that can provide you with all the information.