Tarot Card justice meaning – Tarot Learning

The Justice tarot card represents truth, fairness, and the rule of law. The scales in her left palm show how intuition should balance rationality as she sits in her chair. With the double-edged sword in her right hand, she represents fairness. The square on the crown she wears represents the clarity of intellect necessary to administer justice. There is a purple cloak and grey pillars standing behind her. She reveals the tip of a white shoe beneath her crimson shawl, which is kept together by a clasp. This serves as a spiritual reminder that what she offers is the result of their deeds.

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How does The Justice tarot card work?

The Justice tarot card represents truth, fairness, and the rule of law. The scales in her left palm show how intuition should balance rationality as she sits in her chair. With the double-edged sword in her right hand, she represents fairness. The square on the crown she wears represents the clarity of intellect necessary to administer justice. There is a purple cloak and grey pillars standing behind her. She reveals the tip of a white shoe beneath her crimson shawl, which is kept together by a clasp. This serves as a spiritual reminder that what she offers is the result of their deeds.

Meaning of Upright Justice tarot card

It emphasizes the importance of long-term decisions for oneself and others. It denotes a fair judgment based on previous deeds and provides an opportunity to reform for a better future. The card encourages discovering the truth, emphasizing the significance of basing decisions on facts rather than rumour. It denotes the necessity for focus and the resolution of major decisions or uncertainty. Overall, the Justice card encourages justice, responsibility, and the pursuit of the truth in all facets of life.

Meaning of Upright Love

It represents karma. Love and romance will come your way if you’ve been polite and supportive. Deal honestly with your spouse, avoid bitterness and defensiveness, and resolve problems with respect and trust. To develop a flourishing relationship built on compromise and understanding, communication must be delicate, attentive to your partner’s feelings, and done with honesty and good faith.

Upright Career Meaning

It implies that workplace issues will be resolved in your favour. It reminds us to act with integrity and accept responsibility for our actions, even when we make errors. Embracing honesty and dedication to the truth earns people’s trust and respect, allowing your career to thrive with fair and balanced interactions.

Upright Finances Meaning

It serves as a reminder, to be honest, kind, and fair in your financial interactions. Make sure that your needs are balanced with those of others, and that what you receive is balanced with what you offer. Maintain a healthy balance in your finances, and you should be all right.

Meaning of Reversed Justice tarot card

It implies living in denial and avoiding the consequences and guilt of previous deeds. It encourages you to accept responsibility and seek methods to balance the scales by making apologies for your mistakes. Stop criticizing yourself and instead concentrate on taking good steps to build your future. In judicial proceedings, the card may signify an unfavourable conclusion that you must confront and rectify.

Meaning of Reversed Love

Despite your attempts, romance, and love can still be unjust. It is critical to endure difficult circumstances. Examine your romantic expectations and be open about your weaknesses and baggage. During challenging times in a partnership, fairness and compromise are essential. Avoid blaming others or your partner for problems that are entirely your own. To have a good and balanced relationship, be open to self-improvement and understanding.

Meaning of Reversed Career

You may face unfair situations at work, such as assuming responsibility for the conduct of others or coping with attempts to degrade your job quality. Avoid heated debates and instead deal with the matter rationally and forthrightly. Reversed Justice advises against career dishonesty, which might lead to future difficulties and distress. By being accountable, you can take responsibility for your errors, learn from them, and create trust with your co-workers. Accept the chance for development and positive change.

Meaning of Reversed Finances

It denotes potential financial dishonesty, so be cautious while giving important information to trustworthy folks. If you’re having financial problems, it might be because you’re not taking responsibility for your position. Accept accountability since it can be liberating, allowing you to take charge and discover ways to enhance your financial well-being.

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